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Why do massive Data Breaches still happen even if companies have Cyber Security Services?

According to the Ponemon Institute and AttackIQ, organizations are investing around $18.4 million annually on cyber security technologies and tools. However, around 53% of IT departments have yet to figure out how to use all the tools they have implemented and whether or not they are working. Spending most of their days putting out fires, they just don’t have the time or the expertise of a vendor offering cyber security services. Keep reading to learn more. 

Stop the breaches 

Unquestionably, cyber criminals make money, at times, a lot of money - otherwise, why would they put themselves at risk? To breach a system, you don’t need to resort to violent tactics and it doesn’t require physical harm to anyone  - well, not directly. Further, anyone with the right set of tools can break into networks and websites. Moreover, anyone can send a phishing message and hope someone falls for it. 

To break into a system requires some understanding of psychology. As more data is stored digitally, the online treasure trove grows. Also, as crypto currencies gain traction, hackers can trade money anonymously.  

While some breaches are highly sophisticated, like Heartbleed, others are often based on luck and the ability to trick victims into installing malware. Breaches occur so often that many IT professionals lack confidence in their current tool sets. Here are just a few reasons why massive data breaches and hacking still happen:  

  • Hackers are well-trained and financed. 
  • It’s difficult to continuously protect evolving attack surfaces. 
  • There is a cyber security professional shortage. 
  • Human error. 
  • System glitches. 
  • Tools aren’t updated. 
  • Misconfigured tools.  
  • Threats are becoming more sophisticated.  
  • Networks are not scanned frequently enough. 
  • Lack of visibility.  
  • Cyber criminals are persistent.  

Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, combined with a shortage of professionals in the cyber security field, and the fact that human victims often don’t understand how to navigate around all the persistent threats makes for the perfect storm of data breaches. There isn’t a replacement for expert cyber security services. 

What companies do wrong 

Over half of IT professionals have dealt with a major data breach. An increased reliance on digital platforms and tools has expanded the threat surface. Meanwhile, cyber criminals are using artificial intelligence (AI) and data mining techniques to penetrate data. With 5G and IoT, new risks emerge. These advances in technologies will provide businesses with distinct advantages, but they also require elevated security tools to keep up. 

And, IBM has found that 27% of data breaches are the result of human error which was preventable. Many companies just don’t offer the right cyber security skills training to their non-technical team members. Organizations also lack in terms of accurate reporting standards around how and where breaches have taken place. In the meantime, it is critical for companies to partner with a vendor who offers relevant cyber security services to ensure they are on defense rather than offense. 

Lingering problems 

While companies are certainly more aware of the persistent threats, it’s also just as important to analyze their data and understand how it should be used. Further, human error continues to be a lingering issue. As hackers improve their skills, organizations must train their employees with the right techniques to understand when they are being targeted by phishing or some other type of nefarious cyber campaign. 

Companies just aren’t doing enough to protect their data. For example, encryption can help to mitigate cyber crimes yet fewer than half of operating businesses have encryption tools in place. Of course, this can be addressed by working with a cyber security services provider. 

Companies need to eliminate their fear of reporting breaches. To help the community at large, it’s vital to report breaches and the nature of these breaches. Education is what can help stifle these attacks. So then, businesses just overcome their fears of reporting breaches. 

With IoT, connected devices, even refrigerators can be hacked. Additionally, 5G will accelerate these connections while increasing the potential for attacks. But, with a cyber security services vendor on your side, you can remain several steps ahead at all times.  

It takes time to learn about the evolving methods of attacks. Most businesses just don’t have the time to properly understand and prepare for the risks. As a result, it makes more sense to hire a cyber security services vendor to ensure you implement strict cyber security protocols.  

Why you need a cyber security services provider 

Many organizations don't have the time or the energy to devote to cyber security as much as is needed or to close all  their security loopholes. Moreover, maintenance of cyber security technologies and tools is expensive. And certainly, hiring a full-time, onsite team is cost-prohibitive for most organizations. However, a cyber security services provider offers access to an expert team who provide comprehensive solutions from end-point security to cloud backups with plans for any budget. If you don't have a cyber security services partner yet, it's time to get one. 

Final thoughts 

Invariably, maintaining networks and data security are laborious and mundane for most internal IT staff. Partnering with a managed cyber security service provider like SSI, can free you from the minutiae of these tasks and empower an enhanced focus on more strategic work.