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Will Your Business Be Affected By These Cyber Threats?

Written by Madison Miner | May 30, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Cyber threats are constantly evolving. The cyber threat landscape is continually changing, and your business will be affected if you do not have the proper security. You should be aware of and know how to protect against several different types of cyber threats. Here are some examples. 


Ransomware blocks access to your files until you pay a ransom. The attacker can then use those same tools to encrypt other files and demand more money, even if you've already paid them once. 

The best way to protect yourself against ransomware is by backing up your data regularly and keeping an offline backup if an attack occurs while no internet connection exists (for example, if the computer is disconnected from its power source). 

Data Breaches 

Data breaches are a significant threat to businesses and can have lasting effects. If a company is affected by a data breach, it could suffer from a loss of customers, revenue, reputation, and even trust. 

Data breaches happen constantly: According to Verizon's 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 955 reported breaches in 2018 alone (which doesn't include unreported incidents). These incidents cost companies $30 billion in damages--and that figure doesn't even consider the cost of lost productivity due to downtime, or customer service calls related to the breach. 

The good news is that you don't have to be among those who suffer from this costly problem; there are several steps you can take today so your business isn't among those hit by future cyber attacks. 

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) 

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are a cyberattack carried out over a long period. The goal of an APT is to steal information or disrupt operations. The attackers use sophisticated techniques and tools to gain access to a network and install malware on it. They then use this malware to access the company's systems, steal data or disrupt operations. 

APTs are often used in targeted attacks against specific organizations or individuals within those organizations who have access to sensitive information such as trade secrets or financial records. These attacks can be highly damaging because they involve stealing large amounts of data from one company over several months before moving on to another organization with similar vulnerabilities. 

Cryptocurrency Mining 

Cryptocurrency mining is a process that involves solving complex mathematical problems. Cryptocurrency miners use their computers to solve these problems and get rewarded with cryptocurrency. 

Cryptocurrency mining can be done intentionally or by accident, but business owners must know how this practice could affect their company in 2023. 

The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving. Your business will be affected if you do not have the proper security in place. 

As you can see, the cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving. Your business will be affected if you do not have the proper security in place. Cyber security is not a one-time solution; it's an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and updating to stay ahead of new threats as they arise. 

It's important to note that even though we tend to think of cyber attacks as something that happens elsewhere or at least somewhere else online (like in another country), there are plenty of ways for hackers to target your company right here at home--and they do. 

Fraudulent emails and websites 

Phishing emails and websites lure people into giving up personal information, such as passwords and credit card details. 

Phishing emails are often disguised as being from a bank, credit card company, or other financial institution. They may ask you to provide personal details that could be used for identity theft (see below). For example: 

  • An email might say there's been suspicious activity on your account, and you need to update your password immediately by clicking on the link provided in the email. In reality, this is just phishing software designed to capture sensitive data from unsuspecting users so it can be sold on dark web markets or used by criminals themselves for financial gain. 
  • Websites can also be set up specifically for phishing purposes; these look like legitimate sites but aren't. 

Phishing and vishing scams 

Phishing and vishing scams are the most common types of cybercrime. In a phishing scam, the attacker sends you an email that appears to come from someone you know or a reputable organization (like your bank) but contains malware or links to malicious websites. Vishing refers to phone fraud--you get a call from someone who claims to be with your bank or another organization, asking for personal information over the phone. 

These attacks can be compelling; they often involve sophisticated technology that makes it seem like the call is coming from inside your company's network (when it isn't). They also threaten users with consequences like having their accounts frozen if they don't provide sensitive data right away--something that many people will do without thinking twice about whether or not they should trust this caller's authority over their account for them not only keep working but also maintain access as soon as possible when faced with such threats. 

If you receive any suspicious emails or calls like these, don't respond immediately--instead, contact someone at work who knows more about IT security than yourself so they can help determine whether what looks suspicious is suspicious before proceeding further down this path toward disaster. 

Business Email Compromise (BEC) 

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a form of fraud in which a criminal poses as a legitimate company to trick an employee into sending funds to the scammer. BEC scams are the most common phishing attack, accounting for over half of all data breaches reported by organizations worldwide in 2018. 

The scammer may send emails that appear to be from executives within your organization or even your customers requesting payment for goods or services, usually via wire transfer. The goal is usually identity theft or financial gain through wire transfers. Still, they can also use this method as part of more significant attacks on other systems within your organization, such as IT infrastructure or customer databases. 

Mobile device threats 

Mobile devices are a significant target for cybercriminals. The reason is simple: they are used for many different things and need to be updated more often. 

Having a mobile device means you can access sensitive information on it, like bank account numbers and passwords. Mobile devices also contain personal photos and videos that could be embarrassing if they were made public by hackers. Many people don't think about these things when they use their phones or tablets as if they were computers--but they should. 

It's essential to make sure your device has the latest security updates installed before connecting it to Wi-Fi networks at home or work (or anywhere else). You should also set up password protection so only authorized users can unlock your phone when needed--and never use "1234" or other easy-to-guess codes. 

Insider threats 

The insider threat is a genuine threat to your business. Insiders are employees, contractors, and other people who have access to your company's data or physical assets. It's not just malicious hackers that can cause problems; insiders can also be a source of cyber security threats, physical security threats, and business disruption threats. 

Here are some examples: 

  • An employee accidentally leaves sensitive documents on their desk while they go outside for lunch--and they only realize this once they return from lunch. This situation is an example of an insider threat and a physical security issue (the documents were left unattended). 
  • A disgruntled employee decides to delete all their coworkers' emails because she has had enough of her boss yelling at her every day about how much work she does compared with everyone else in the office (not precisely flattering). This situation is an example of an insider threat and one where someone has deliberately taken action against another person out of anger or frustration (a type of business disruption). 

Why you should partner with a cyber security services provider 

If you're a business owner, it's vial to understand the risks of cyber attacks and how they could affect your company. Partnering with a managed cyber security services provider is the best way to protect yourself. 

The benefits of partnering with such a company include the following: 

  • Helping you identify vulnerabilities in your systems and software so that they can be fixed before an attacker takes advantage of them; 
  • Making sure that employees have the latest security updates on their devices (including laptops, desktops, and mobile phones) at all times; 
  • Monitoring for suspicious activity in real-time; 
  • Taking immediate action if there's an attack or breach; 

Contact SSI today 

SSI is the leading provider of cyber security services. Our teams of experts are ready to help you with all your cyber security needs, including: 

  • Security risk assessment 
  • Threat hunting 
  • Incident Response 

In summary 

As you can see from the examples above, cyber threats are genuine threats to businesses of all sizes. Some can be avoided, but others will always be present in some form or another. The key is knowing how to protect yourself and your company from these dangers so that you can continue doing what matters most: running your business.