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Best Practices for IT Risk Assessments | SSI

Written by Madison Miner | Oct 26, 2021 3:14:00 PM

An effective information technology system inside a business is multifaceted and focuses on many levels of functioning at the same time. This procedure is very complicated, so independent experts are often called in to evaluate whole IT systems. A thorough IT risk assessment will identify your organization's strengths and shortcomings and recommend ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

To properly monitor and evaluate a business's system, the assessor would usually seek complete access to its networks, facilities, and other pertinent information. By assessing and validating all of the data contained inside the "digital environment," a genuinely comprehensive evaluation and effective plan may be created.

Several critical areas are addressed during an IT Assessment:

  • Server Infrastructure
  • Technology Management
  • Mobile Device Management
  • Administrative Policies
  • Network Software
  • Data Security
  • Network Design

What are the benefits of IT risk assessments?

Regardless of the primary advantages of IT consulting services, businesses should constantly be aware of potential pitfalls. The risk posed by third-party partners and suppliers is one of the most often overlooked aspects of an IT evaluation. Any third-party with whom a business engages will almost certainly have its own IT system, and it is critical to examine how your data is stored inside their system. There are many other considerations, but an IT assessment is very beneficial when done correctly.

Analyzing the layers of an IT system will certainly reveal rifts and throw light on potential new business opportunities. With this data, businesses may take the following steps toward increased productivity, efficient resource use, improved system security, and increased profitability.

It may be tough to remain impartial while examining the operations and tech stacks of your business. While you want to conduct an objective evaluation of your information technology performance, an outside viewpoint often provides a more comprehensive picture of your operations. Why? Well, it’s vital to continually monitor industry developments and ensure that your staff stays on track.

In-house IT risk evaluations

Even if you have an in-house IT person or department, it is vital to have a professional evaluate your systems, such as SSI. We are IT industry specialists, and our years of expertise enable us to provide suggestions. A regular evaluation may teach you a great deal. Lessons that will assist you in correcting past mistakes and developing plans. Here are other advantages listed below:

  1. Employee productivity: One of the things that many overlook during these evaluations is their workers. All of the information collected during this assessment may be utilized to enhance employee performance and raise understanding of the risks they face, such as how to identify phishing attack emails.
  2. Workflow efficiency: Another benefit of including your employees is that evaluations serve to remind them of your company's commitment to security and appropriate measures. Each of us has a lot to deal with daily, and it may be challenging to keep all of those plates spinning simultaneously. Consistently enforcing priorities is an excellent approach for ensuring the integrity of your systems.
  3. Vulnerability detection: This aspect goes to the core of the problems addressed by the risk assessment process. A network risk assessment will look at your systems' vulnerabilities and suggest methods to mitigate them. We will evaluate risks to your productivity and efficiency from both internal and external sources. Your vulnerabilities will be prioritized according to their criticality to your ongoing functioning.
  4. Budgeting: When developing budgets for the next year, it is critical to have reasons for the projects you want to finance. Your IT assessment's facts and lists will assist you in justifying future expenditures and explaining the long-term advantages of the acquisitions you want to make. All of this information also helps you plan for the security requirements that should take precedence in your IT budget.
  5. Future-proofing: To comprehend how to create the most effective platform for your success, you must first grasp the issues you are experiencing and the weak spots in your foundation. The vulnerabilities and strengths that we identify will enable you to develop a more comprehensive strategy for the future structure of your security posture and data protection.
  6. Compliance: Having written evidence of these evaluations and measures taken may protect your company from a variety of legal pitfalls. It may be used to substantiate claims against insurance companies, government authorities, business partners, and even potential consumers.
  7. Collaboration: An IT risk assessment may include a large number of individuals from throughout your organization. It's a great way to start a conversation about security and its significance. Having real-time findings and pertinent information provided logically will result in more effective communication about the choices that will need to be made.

When technologies are chosen wisely, they may provide companies with competitive advantages. However, this selection procedure may be one of the most challenging business choices. Before deploying new technologies, IT consulting services help to lower the risk of making inefficient investment choices.

We often overlook a basic fact: Software is a tool. It is anything that is intended to assist you in doing a task more effectively, quickly, and efficiently. However, like with any instrument, you will not get the desired outcomes if you use it incorrectly. You may have the most expensive screwdriver in the world, but it will never be effective at hammering in nails. That is why it is crucial to perform a comprehensive IT risk assessment to ensure you have the appropriate tool for the task.

Keep reading to learn how you accomplish it.

To begin, a technology evaluation significantly increases the likelihood of obtaining a solution that meets your needs and is compatible with your environment. We often recognize that we have a problem and can see the ideal state to which our technological solution will lead us.

It's difficult to know how to get there, though, since it's common to mistake symptoms with the underlying cause of a problem. As a result, you wind up treating the "symptom" with a (perhaps costly) piece of technology that is ill-equipped to address the underlying problem.

A systematic method for evaluating and selecting a technological solution enables you to circumvent this issue, mitigate risks, and accomplish your actual goal by compelling you to identify and address the correct problem.

Best practices for IT risk assessments

Now that we understand why a standard technology evaluation is necessary, how can we conduct one?

The first step is discovery.

Discovery is the initial step toward selecting the appropriate technology. The discovery phase's objective is to get a thorough understanding of your current reality, the issue you're addressing, and whom you're solving it for.

Recognize your current technological ecosystem.

It would help if you first ascertained your present technological environment. This encompasses both the solutions you are presently using and the systems and procedures that link them. Consider this through the perspective of a business process, examining what data is moved along the route, where that data is kept / what is the source of truth, and how it gets from point A to point B.

Several points to consider at this period include the following:

  • Who owns which system?
  • What information is critical in this case?
  • How should you design the workflows?

Recognize the issue

Following that, you must comprehend the issue, both in terms of business and end-user experience. Consider the following scenario: You are a sales organization that is failing to meet your goals. Your company issue may be that you are not producing enough new business and are unsure why, how to remedy the situation, or where to improve. Similarly, your end-user issue may be that they are unsure of what works and what does not, leaving your sales representatives to assume.

Thus, your issue may come down to quickly recording and sharing data throughout the sales department to make better choices and increase revenue.

By integrating the business and end-user problems, you may understand the real issue and begin devising a solution.

Recognize your audience

Finally, it would help if you comprehend your audience. That end-user insight will not emerge until you take the time to grasp your end users' pain points and connect them to the overarching business issue. Observing how people do their tasks, analyzing historical use statistics, conducting user interviews, and conducting quick prototype testing are great methods for obtaining this knowledge.

After gaining a comprehensive knowledge of your technological ecosystem, the next stage is analysis.

Step two: Analyze

By the time the discovery step is complete, you should have a good idea of where you are and where you want to go. Ideally, you'll have a starting point for requirements.

Following that, you must evaluate the exact functionality you presently have and how it is being used.

Given that you have a firm grasp of the issue, the objective, environment, and systems, a brilliant place to start is examining what your current technology stack can do.

You must examine the technology's use at a granular level. Additionally, you want to explore how it is circumvented or abused. Is it possible that end users are ignoring features and functions? If it is the case, why?

You want to probe these issues because you may not need as complicated a solution as you first believed. Far more often, companies are abusing their current stack rather than maximizing its potential and therefore encountering issues.

You will encounter specific gaps and flaws. That is the emphasis of your technology evaluation, particularly when you flesh out the requirements for purchasing to accomplish your company goals. The Assess and Analysis step should result in a knowledge of realistic and prioritized alternatives for filling your gaps, together with the associated benefits and drawbacks.

3rd Step: Defining and developing After that, it's time to define and grow. You have a high-level business objective and a firm grasp of the issue, the environment, and the gaps you're attempting to close.

You must flesh out your vision for the final state. It's not just about the issue you're trying to address; it's about how your technological solution will accomplish/move the company ahead.

We see at this stage that a frequent issue is a misalignment of the business, operations teams, and overall technology goals. The problem is that although early research is often done by technical teams (IT). Further, the whole project must be organized around commercial and operational objectives.

To do this, you must first create and define your technological vision in light of business and operational needs. Consider the following: Does this feature/function/vendor address the company's issue?

Naturally, there will be some wiggle room here. Each choice or decision you offer will include trade-offs. Defining and developing is about narrowing your vision to a single business issue and utilizing the criteria you've established so far to zero in on precisely what you need.

4th Step: Document The last stage is to record all of your efforts in a well-documented strategy. Your finished document should include the following:

Key takeaways:

  • A succinct description of the problem you're addressing and the request you're making.
  • Detailed information on the implementation and deployment
  • Timelines and ownership information for projects.
  • Verbal communication is the last component of documentation. Ascertain that the whole team understands the "elevator story"—that is, the high-level message designed to pique senior executives' interest and attention. In addition, you will need to arrange meetings with top decision-makers to get buy-in.

These should ideally be conducted one-on-one and then collectively to ensure both individual and group assistance. Finally, be willing to iterate as necessary in response to executive input. Make no assumption that anything is true just because it is in your master plan. Remember to remain adaptable since it is preferable to modify the project now than to end up with technology you dislike.

What is our primary objective?

While your whole environment is being evaluated, you almost certainly have a primary pain point that has to be addressed. Is there a specific program that is taking an excessive amount of time to run? Have you recently been a victim of a security breach? Are you in the market to upgrade your end-user hardware? Are you contemplating a cloud migration?

Whatever the reason, ensure that the giver of the evaluation is well aware of your main motives. This will ensure that when your evaluation is complete, you get something proper that may assist you in resolving this problem swiftly and effectively.

Final thought

A security IT risk assessment from a professional service provider like SSI may be a powerful weapon in the hands of a competent leader. Conducting an evaluation will assist you in establishing security controls and identifying risks that expose you to attack. Partner with SSI to schedule an IT evaluation and see how we can help you achieve your future objectives.